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Cyclists Biking on a Summer Dayz

Cycling is an activity most commonly performed on a bicycle - when it is it is also referred to as bicycling or simply biking. It is the use of the bicycle, unicycle (unicycling), tricycles (tricycling), quadracycles (quadracycling), and other similar wheeled human-powered vehicles (HPVs) for the purpose of transport, as a form of recreation, or in racing. It is done on roads and paths, across open country or even over snow and ice (icebiking).
Artist: tbmpvideo
Format: QuickTime
Duration: 6 sec
Audio: YES
size: 1080x1920
Frame rate: 30
Is exclusive: NO
Purchase count: 0
Model released: NO
Cleared for commercial use: YES
Cleared for editorial use: NO
Resolution File size Credits
1080p @ 30
131 mb