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Swimming Tigerz

The Indochinese tiger or Corbett's tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) is a subspecies of tiger found in Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam. Tigers in peninsular Malaysia, formerly classified as Indochinese, have recently been reclassified as a separate subspecies, Malayan tiger Panthera tigris jacksoni. The Corbett's name stems from the scientific name of the subspecies, Panthera tigris corbetti, which in turn is named in honor of Jim Corbett.
Categories: Animals / Pets Nature
Artist: tbmpvideo
Format: QuickTime
Duration: 9 sec
Audio: NO
size: 1080x1920
Frame rate: 30
Is exclusive: NO
Purchase count: 0
Model released: N/A
Cleared for commercial use: YES
Cleared for editorial use: NO
Resolution File size Credits
1080p @ 30
109 mb